Tuesday, June 05, 2012

ONGCJOBS Recruitment 2012 For 168 Jobs | ONGC Careers in Mumbai Notification

The OIL and Natural Gas Company Limited has started the recruitmental notification for the aspirants for the year of 2012 in the ongc careers with a Recruitment Advertisement No. 01/2012, WOU, Mumbai .with many fileds of Diesel/ Instrumentation/ Turner/ Machining/ Tractor/ Motor Vehicle/ Welding/BlackSmithy/ Boiler Attendant and Machinist Grinder.under mechanic, Cementing, Electrical, Production, Management ,chemisry, Drilling Operations and Many more......under the Official Website : http://www.ongcjobs.com/ .

Total A-II Level posts : 98 Jobs
1 ) Assistant Technician (Mechanical) : 07
2) Assistant Technician (Cementing) : 06
3) Assistant Technician (Electrical) : 17
4) Assistant Technician (Production) : 07
5) Assistant Technician (Instrumentation) :11
6) Assistant Gd-III (Transport) : 06
7) Assistant Technician (Electronics) : 36
8) Technical Assistant Gd.III (Chemistry): 02
9) Assistant Gd.III (Materials Management) :02
10) Assistant Gd.III(Accounts) : 04

Total A-I Level posts : 39 Jobs
1) Junior Assistant Technician (Production) : 08
2) Junior Assistant Technician (Electrical) : 06
3) Junior Assistant Technician (Welding) : 04
4) Junior Assistant Technician (Machining) : 10
5) Junior Fire Supervisor : 10
6) Junior Security Supervisor : 01

Total TBFO Posts : 31 Jobs
1) Field Operator (Crane Operations) : 19
2) Field Operator (Drilling Operations) : 12 .

Age Limit :
The Age limt for the candidates who are willing to apply the jobs in the Ongc jobs is kept as castewise For General Candidates : Maximum of 30 Years , for the OBC candidates Maximum of 33 Years , and for the SC/ST candidates has the Maximum of 35 Years , All the candidates has the Minimum age of 18 Years .

Payment of Fees :
The Candidates are required to pay in DD issued by any Nationalized or Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of “ONGC Ltd., Mumbai” payable at Mumbai. Candidate should write Name and Registration Slip number on the reverse of the Demand Draft. ,The General/ OBC Candidates have to pay an amount of 250/- and for the remaining SC/ST Candidates have to pay of 100/- Rs .
The SC/ST Candidates applying against any General post must pay General Fee of `250/-. .

Important Dates :
Opening of Online Registration Starting Date :- 29/05/2012 .
Closing Online Registration Closing Date :- 25/06/2012 .
Last date of receipt of applications : - 02/07/2012 .

For Complete Notification : Download Here