Walk-in Interview for contractual position
Name of the project : National Information System for Pest Management (Bt Cotton)
Name of the post : Data Entry Operator
No Of Posts : 02
Emoluments (Fixed) P.M. : Rs. 8000/- PM (Fixed)
Qualifications : i) Essential Qualification: Graduation (three years) with one year certificate or diploma in computers or BCA. ii) Desirable: One year work experience in computer operations
Duration : Up to 31st March, 2014
Date of Interview: 1st October, 2013 at 10.00 A.M.
Venue: NCIPM, LBS, Building, IARI Campus, Pusa, New Delhi-110012
1. Candidate fulfilling the essential qualification only need to attend the Walk-in-Interview.
2. Maximum age limit for Data Entry Operator (as on 31.09.2013) is 35 years for men and
40 years for women.
3. The above position will be filled up on contractual basis for the period of the project.
4. The selected candidate(s) shall have no claim for regular appointment(s) at NCIPM/ ICAR
as their engagements are contractual and co-terminus with respective Project / Scheme.
5. Candidate may report for the interview between 10.00-11.30 am. No TA/ DA will be paid
for attending the interview.
6. Candidates appearing for interview should bring Original Documents along with their
Bio-data (in the enclosed format), Photograph (PP size) and other related documents in
support of qualification, experience, etc.
7. Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidature.
8. The decision of Director, NCIPM, would be final and binding on all aspects.
Walk-in Interview for contractual position
Name of the project : National Information System for Pest Management (Bt Cotton)
Name of the post : Data Entry Operator
No Of Posts : 02
Emoluments (Fixed) P.M. : Rs. 8000/- PM (Fixed)
Qualifications : i) Essential Qualification: Graduation (three years) with one year certificate or diploma in computers or BCA. ii) Desirable: One year work experience in computer operations
Duration : Up to 31st March, 2014
Date of Interview: 1st October, 2013 at 10.00 A.M.
Venue: NCIPM, LBS, Building, IARI Campus, Pusa, New Delhi-110012
1. Candidate fulfilling the essential qualification only need to attend the Walk-in-Interview.
2. Maximum age limit for Data Entry Operator (as on 31.09.2013) is 35 years for men and
40 years for women.
3. The above position will be filled up on contractual basis for the period of the project.
4. The selected candidate(s) shall have no claim for regular appointment(s) at NCIPM/ ICAR
as their engagements are contractual and co-terminus with respective Project / Scheme.
5. Candidate may report for the interview between 10.00-11.30 am. No TA/ DA will be paid
for attending the interview.
6. Candidates appearing for interview should bring Original Documents along with their
Bio-data (in the enclosed format), Photograph (PP size) and other related documents in
support of qualification, experience, etc.
7. Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidature.
8. The decision of Director, NCIPM, would be final and binding on all aspects.